Tuesday, October 27, 2009

たくさん しゅくだいが あります! ;_;

大学は とても 難しい (むずかしい) ですね。 でも、楽しい (たのしい) ですよ!わたしの クラスは おもしろい ですが、せんせいに たくさん しゅくだいを もらいました!

あした うらせんけに 行きます。お茶道 (ちゃどう =Tea ceremony)を します。とても こうふん しています!お茶道は きえりと びみょう です。日本に 訪問(ほうもん)して いました、茶道を しました。茶道が 大好きです。

今週 (こんしゅう)の 週末 (しゅうまつ)は ハローウィン ですよ!私の コスチューム を わかりません。でも、こうふん しています!

Monday, October 26, 2009

カタカナ アナリシス

I found, ヒロ and キレイ (in the magazine "Fine Boys"), are interesting examples of the uses of katakana in Japanese. The first was Muzushima Hiro's name, his surname written in kanji and his given name in katakana. This is an example of a common trend in Japan today, to use katakana to write Japanese names and words to draw emphasis and "be cool", as it is popular to buy Western and foreign things and use foreign words.
The second word is actualy a Japanese word, but it was written in katakana to draw emphasis to the fact that the shirt is "きれり". In a sentence of all kanji and hiragana, a word in katakana would stand out and draw the reader's eye to it.

I think each textbook has a different way of explaining the uses of katakana becuase it is very difficult to explain a grammatical function as well as a cultural phenomenom. But, they all said essentially the same thing, that katakana are used for onomatopoeia, emphasis, and loanwords form foreign languages. These are all the obvious uses of katakana, but there are more, subtle, pervading uses of katakana in Japanese language and society, such as cultural trends and ideals.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Asian Kung-Fu Generation の "Mustang"

この ビデオは 私の 大好きな バンッドの 歌 (うた)。 きれいですねー。


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